Dear Sir or Madam,
The beginning of this century has come to be seen as a period that undermined the principle of sustainable development and impacted on the global economy. This implies an urgent need for devising new rules of the economic order and novel theoretical approaches suitable to the realities of the 21st century.
A growing awareness of our global interconnectedness requires an interdisciplinary approach to the analysis of the progression of globalization, which, in turn, may help reduce economic inequalities and social tensions and, at the same time, stimulate innovation creation and international trade.
The increasing importance of international cooperation for the development of the Polish economy and Poland’s prospective entry into the euro zone mean that the above-mentioned factors determining growth in the global economy have consequences for our country. These relate to the ongoing changes in the emerging new economic order that facilitate achievement of developmental goals while giving a priority to social values. This is the focus of the next conference of the “Challenges of the Global Economy” series which will be held on the 14th and 15th of May, 2020, at the Faculty of Economics in Sopot. Its premise is that conference papers and resulting discussions should be the cue for devising practical solutions and should be a source of inspiration for research on the future of the global economy.